Location Details
Myron and Isabel Zucker originally purchased this 70 acre property to protect it from being subdivided into 50 foot lots along the Flint River during the 1960s. The Zuckers were benefactors of MNA for many years. Myron donated this land after Isabel passed away in 1986.
This sanctuary consists of floodplain forest and mesic northern forest with large maples, beech trees, and hemlocks.
The widely meandering North Branch of the Flint River flows through the sanctuary and is bordered by a sizeable floodplain forest corridor. In the spring, the floodplain is crowded with wildflowers and dozens of native ferns.
Song birds, owls and other wildlife reside at Zucker Memorial. Nesting birds such as wood ducks and blue-gray gnatcatchers are found here. Wildflowers including bloodrust, hepatica, and trillium are found here as well. Pines were planted along the southern boundary of the sanctuary.
Forested river floodplains provide corridors for wildlife to disperse from one area to another, which is especially important in urban and residential settings where fewer natural areas occur. Floodplains are essential to the natural processes of rivers to maintain ecological and hydrological functions. Floodplains benefit humans directly as they provide floodwater storage during high flow periods and help prevent upland flooding, which can result in property damage. When floodplains are developed or separated from rivers, there are frequently, and sometimes significant resulting flooding occurrences that affect cities and residential areas and property owners elsewhere along the river.
Planning Your Visit:
This sanctuary is class “A”, so it is open to the public during daylight hours. No official parking area is maintained at the sanctuary, but parking on Barnes Lake Rd is acceptable. One loop trail that meanders south of the river is maintained on the sanctuary.
How to Get There:
The sanctuary is located off Barnes Lake Rd, just west of Lonsberry Rd in Lapeer County.
For additional information, contact the MNA office at (866) 223-2231.
View the Sanctuary Fact Sheet
Zucker Memorial Nature Sanctuary Fact Sheet.pdf