Location Details
Near the town of Central, Gratiot Lake will make sure you are in shape if you want the best view. The new trail rises nearly 400 feet to an overlook of Gratiot Lake a quarter mile to the south.
A gushing waterfall can be found on Eister Creek by following the creek towards the lake. Please be careful, the journey can be steep and slippery.
George and Janice Swenson of Champaign, Illinois donated the initial 80 acres of this sanctuary to preserve the natural beauty of the area and to encourage others to do so. Marilyn Jones, of Tucson, Arizona donated an additional 20 acres of land for this nature sanctuary. Marilyn spent several months of the year in her log cabin at Gratiot Lake and wanted to protect the land in any way that she could. She was a longtime MNA supporter.
For additional information, contact the MNA office at (866) 223-2231.