You Can Make a Difference

As a private landowner, you can make a difference. Most of Michigan's rare, threatened or endangered species rely on privately owned land for habitat. If you own land that you think has conservation value and you are interested in seeing it protected, contact MNA.

Finding the Right Fit for You

Every property is different, and every landowner is unique. The good news is that there are a variety of methods that can be used to protect your land based on your property's characteristics and your individual needs as a landowner. The key to successful conservation is to understand your options and find the right fit.

Working Together

We have over six decades of experience working with landowners like you to find the best way to conserve their land. Our experienced team can help you understand your choices so that you can discuss your personal situation with your financial and legal advisors.

If you believe you have land that would be of interest to MNA please call the MNA office at (866) 223-2231.